These Poppy Seed Cheddar Muffins are a perfect accompaniment to any dish on the dinner table, and with a pad of butter and a smidge of jelly, they make a mighty fine breakfast, too!
Keeping things simple with a smidge of Southern charm
These Poppy Seed Cheddar Muffins are a perfect accompaniment to any dish on the dinner table, and with a pad of butter and a smidge of jelly, they make a mighty fine breakfast, too!
During the summer months when zucchini is bountiful, these easy zucchini fritters are a simple and delicious way to enjoy your harvest, and they’re ready in a jiffy!…
During the summer months when yellow squash is bountiful, these yellow squash fritters are a simple and delicious way to enjoy your harvest, and they’re ready in a jiffy!
This simple recipe for pineapple salsa brings a perfect element of freshness to your taste buds as we inch closer to the sweet summertime!
The beaches in Alabama opened up to the public for the first time since quarantine began on Thursday of this past week. Seeing all of the live footage of the shore has really been tempting me to get my family out of the house and take them all on a much needed retreat, but brain has been telling me that now is really not the time. This season of “rest” isn’t one that I ever wanted, but I do believe that it’s needed in order to keep my family as safe and healthy as possible. We’ll miss the beach this month for sure, but can hopefully embrace it with open arms (and 6 feet away from others) sometime this summer!
“Double, double toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble.” – Those famous words from Shakespeare’s Macbeth begin to sound in my head the moment the clock strikes midnight on October 1st each year. While you won’t find my family conjuring spells or channeling the dead to celebrate Halloween, you will find us enjoying the commercial side of this time of year by picking out fun costumes, filling our buckets with candy and enjoying a laugh with friends and family as we try to give each other a good scare every now and then.
You may recall in a recent post I shared that I was officially calling this summer the summer of charcuterie boards in my house. Creating simple and delicious charcuterie boards has been absolutely perfect during lunch and dinner time because I’m able to serve my family a wholesome variety of our favorite foods that we can graze on without ever once having to heat up the oven or stove!…
These Coca Cola Peach Pepper Jelly Meatballs are the perfect appetizer to kick your game day off on a winning point!
Football season will soon be here, and my whole household has been jumping up and down with excitement anticipating the Saturdays that we get to watch the Alabama Crimson Tide take the field. It’s no secret that football is huge here in the south, and no matter if you’re watching the game from stadium seats or from your couch at home, no game day experience is complete without those fan favorite game day appetizers!
Have you ever made a charcuterie board before? I’ve officially declared this summer as the summer of charcuterie lunches in our house. They’re incredibly easy to make, they don’t require you to heat up your oven, and there’s always a little something for everyone to nibble on. Charcuterie boards are simply a serving tray that is typically filled with meats, fruit, nuts, cheeses and crackers. I love them because they’re very low-key, but also beautifully inviting and filled with lots of yummy snacks that I can’t keep my hands off of!
Does your summer schedule seem to be filling up a tab bit faster than you’d care for it to? As I sit here overlooking my daily schedule and to-do list, I can’t help but feel slightly overwhelmed at all of the activities I’ve managed to get my family involved in. Truth be told, most of them are really fun and exciting things that we get to participate in, but I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out how in the world we’re going to fit in the cooking, eating, cleaning, sleeping, breathing, etc.!
Spicy Marinated Tomatoes are a perfect summer side dish to share with friends and family!
This past weekend I woke up before the rest of the household and made my way to our local (it’s 25 minutes away, but we’ll call it local) farmers market to stock up on some fresh produce for the week. Back when we had just one little Tucker tot running around, we had a garden in our back yard that was small and easy to manage. We grew tomatoes, squash, fresh herbs and things of the like. Now that we have two children, I’m more than happy to let someone else do the work and I’ll support their business by buying from them. I have a hard enough time managing two girls, never mind adding a garden into the mix!