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The morning slump. We’ve all fallen victim to it’s lack-luster blah-ness that leaves us feeling unmotivated and uninspired before our feet even hit the floor in the morning. Hopefully it’s not every day what you feel that way, but I’m sure you’ve been there a time or two where you just couldn’t get your motor running in the morning. We’ve all been there.
Even morning people (like myself) can find themselves in a rut early in the day, trying hard to focus on the positives, but too often being consumed by negative thoughts and vibes. I try really hard to be a go-getter and tackle each day with confidence, but sometimes my go-getter attitude gets up and leaves long before I ever step foot out of my front door. Let’s be honest here.. sometimes my morning is just a little too….blasé, if you will.
It’s no secret that doing the same old routine over and over again is just flat out boring, but here lately I’ve really been challenging myself to bring some enjoyment into the hour that I spend getting ready for the day. If it’s boring, it’s completely my fault. I am in control of how I spend my time, so why not make it fun? Why not put a little value into it? Time is golden, and it’s a resource that we can’t ever get back once it’s used! I’ve come up with a foolproof method to help me whip my mornings back into shape, and I’ve even got my own personal little electric “assistant” to really help make my day sparkling bright!
Start the day with a bangin’ breakfast:
Is breakfast normally a total afterthought for you? I’ve eaten many a bagel while driving down the road headed to work, simply because I “didn’t have time” to sit down and fuel my body in a decent fashion. Truthfully, it wasn’t that I didn’t have time, it’s that I didn’t take the time for myself to do it. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, take the time to sit down, relax and enjoy your breakfast. And for heaven’s sake, please don’t skip it!
I’m not implying that you need to break out the pots and pans and cook a full fledged meal, but I am saying that you owe it to yourself to nourish your body and to eat something you enjoy. While you’re sitting down eating, you can use the time to reflect on the day, to listen to your favorite music to help you either unwind OR pump you up for what lies ahead, or you can just take a moment to savor the flavors of your favorite foods before making your body hurry off to do something else.
Early in the week I like to make a batch of muffins to eat in the morning before I start getting busy. I try to make it a point to incorporate healthy foods into my diet without sacrificing the things that I love (I’m talkin’ about you, my beloved milk chocolate.) My hidden spinach chocolate chip muffins paired with a cup of coffee always helps me start off my day right, and I only had to cook once! #winning
Take Care of (and treat) Yourself:
Before you ever step foot out the front door in the morning, challenge yourself to do (at least) 1 thing that will make a positive impact on your health. For example, you can scour the internet and find a cool new 10 minute exercise routine, pick out a new multivitamin to take, use essential oils as part a beauty regimen, OR you can get your oral health in check with a cool new toothbrush that actually makes brushing fun – like the new Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Electric Toothbrush available at Bed Bath & Beyond!
I’ve got a little confession to make. I’ve never been a rock star at brushing my teeth. I mean, I’ve always brushed my teeth twice, and often 3 times a day for my entire life, but I’ve always just done it kind of willy-nilly with no true effort put into it. I rarely brush my teeth for a full two minutes, I’m not on top of my flossing game, and I fail at rinsing daily. I’ve always longed for that “fresh from the dentist clean” feeling, but I have never once in my entire life achieved that feeling after brushing on my own.
But the other day when perusing through Bed Bath and Beyond looking for a wedding gift for a friend, I stumbled upon this display of electronic toothbrushes. I’d never really admitted to myself before that I needed to step up my brushing game, but seeing the Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Electric Toothbrush totally inspired me to get my act together and to help me whiten, brighten and have a rockin’ smile!
I’m thinking this may be a generational thing, but when it comes to life in general, I always want to make sure I’m working smarter and not harder. To me, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results. I had been working hard with my manual toothbrush trying to get quality, professional results. I can’t tell you how many times I’d brush my teeth, and then immediately find a spot with plaque build up STILL on my teeth. I really needed something that took the guesswork out of brushing, and also something that adapted well to my lifestyle and worked for me and. That’s why the Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum is seriously a match made in heaven for me. This toothbrush is totally fancy pants, y’all. I am absolutely LOVING it!
Aside from the fact that this toothbrush helps remove up to 10x more plaque and helps me work toward healthier gums in just 2 weeks, it also has an app that links directly to your phone that tracks your brushing patterns. It tells you whether or not you’re brushing too hard, moving around too much, or if you’re not reaching certain areas like you should. It also has an automatic timer that encourages you to brush for 2 minutes – which is something I’ve always struggled with!
Set Goals & Dream Big:
Another way to help you start your mornings off on the right foot is to give yourself something important or valuable to you to work towards. Everyone has goals in their life that they’re hoping to achieve. Some goals may be long term, and others are short term. I personally do much better when it comes to accomplishing my goals when I can see them written down. Every morning during breakfast, I take a few minutes and jot down a few personal goals that I want to crush during my day. It really helps guide my focus in a positive direction, and it also encourages me to slay the day and give it all I’ve got!
And speaking of crushing your goals, the Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Sonic Toothbrush app also comes with a personal goal tracker to help you improve your brushing techniques by focusing on trouble areas and helping your work towards whiter teeth, better breath, healthier gums, etc!
If you’re all about setting goals for yourself and would like a FREE printable copy of my #goalcrusher note cards, just click the link below! I hope they help amp up your mornings and give you a little extra boost to help you chase your dreams and accomplish your goals. 🙂
Click HERE for a FREE #goalcrusher note card printable!
Evolve your Brushing Routine:
Click here for more information and ideas on how to take your oral care routine to the next level using the Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Connected Sonic Toothbrush! While you’re at it, follow Philips Sonicare on social media, where you’ll find information about new products, promotions and other happenings with your favorite brand!
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