Let’s just say you’re looking for something sweet to make for a holiday party or to give as a gift this season, but maybe you’re facing a few challenges. Maybe you’re terrible at following a recipe. Maybe looking on Pinterest for something great to make stresses you out or makes you feel overwhelmed. Maybe you’re strapped for cash. Maybe you realized 5 minutes ago that you’re supposed to bring something to an event, and that event is in half an hour and it takes you 15 minutes to get there. I get it. I’ve been there.
Fret not, my friends. I have a simple, quick, inexpensive and yummy solution for you! You can thank me later. 😉
Peppermint bark is the perfect festive snack to satisfy a sweet tooth. It has just 3 ingredients, and it’s actually pretty fun to make! Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 package white almond bark
- a few peppermints of candy canes – crushed
- 5-7 drops peppermint essential oil
- Melt almond bark over the stove or in a crock pot, stirring frequently to avoid any scorching
- Line a large cookie sheet with wax paper
- Pour completely melted almond bark onto the cookie sheet
- Sprinkle crushed peppermint on top quickly before the chocolate dries
- Allow to cool. You can speed this up by placing it in the freezer for a few minutes
- Once it’s cooled, break the peppermint bark into bite size pieces
That’s it, y’all! It’s insanely easy to make, and it makes for a really sweet gift to give during the holidays. Just wrap it up in a holiday candy tin (You can frequently find them in a 3 pack for around $3), put a bow on it and you’re done!
If you would like to learn more about essential oils, I recommend checking out this post that my sister wrote. You can find it here: Getting Into Essential Oils as a Skeptic. It’s packed full of great into and tips on how to get started.
It doesn’t state when to put the oil in the melted chocolate. I’m guessing after the chocolate has melted and before pouring in the pan to cool. I’ve not used essential oils in cooking before so I’m a bit scared. I’m new to oil anyway, so I’m pretty much un-educated on oils and their use. Can you ease a girls mind…. I don’t want to make my grandkids sick. Thank you Cheryl