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Easter egg hunts were a big deal in my house growing up. Like, a really big deal. To put it into perspective for you, every year my mom had an extensive list of rules, clues and prize information on deck at all times during the hunt. Easter egg hunts were of course just for fun, but we all knew what they really were: full blown Hunger-Games-style take-no-prisoners competitions amongst the siblings. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but it’s not far from the truth! There were clear winners and losers in our hunts. Feelings would sometimes get hurt (mostly mine), but they were always a good time and were definitely memorable. My mother always had fun surprises along the way, and even the “rotten egg” got a really good prize!
My mother never hid candy inside the eggs that we hunted. We always had candy in our Easter baskets, but never in the eggs. If anything was in the eggs, it was money. It was always a blast finding an egg and hearing coins rattle inside! It made me start to think about other really fun things you could incorporate into Easter egg hunts. While I don’t know that I’ll want to do competitive Easter egg hunts with my children, I do plan on making their hunts really fun in ways similar to what my mother did for us. One way I’d like to do that is to put all sorts of different surprises in the eggs that they find!…