I received these products at no cost to facilitate my review. However, all thoughts and opinions expressed are completely my own.
Seriously, y’all. I cannot believe we’re halfway though February. Time is flying! Valentine’s Day has already come and gone. Cupid has certainly left his mark, too! His aim was definitely on target this year, because he shot straight through my heart and made me fall head over heels in love!
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m madly in love with my rock star of a husband, and I only have eyes for him. BUT my eyes have seen some adorable things, and now i’m in l-o-v-e! I have fallen for an Etsy shop so beautiful, so magnificent, and SO wonderful that it seems like a dream come true!
Goodbye, winter blues! We’re welcoming spring with open arms with this insanely adorable Easter bunny outfit from Olive loves Apple. Isn’t it the sweetest?!
