I received product as compensation in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Hey ladies – this post is for you! I’ll be discussing a few things that are a bit more feminine and personal in nature, so if you’re a male and this sort of topic makes you uncomfortable, feel free to pass this post on to a lady in your life! 😉
 Back before I had children and knew it all, there were certain things I swore I’d never do. My sister made the decision to cloth diaper her children, and it was something I initially snickered at. I’d never do that. I could not wrap my mind around the notion that anyone would take any sort of extra steps to diaper their child when we have the convenience of disposable diapers. And don’t even get my started on handling the really dirty diapers. I can look back at all of this and laugh now. Man, did I ever put my foot in my mouth on this one!
Flash forward a few years later, and not only did I successfully (and happily) cloth diaper my first born, but my second is in cloth as well. Turns out, cloth diapering is one of my favorite topics to talk about with other young parents who have an interest in living a more sustainable life. While researching cloth diapering before my first was born, I discovered that “mama cloth” was also a hot topic in the sustainable living world. THAT – I thought – was something I would definitely never do.
Honestly, it was a topic I ignored for years. I don’t even like acknowledging the fact that I have to have a menstrual cycle each month, so choosing to take an extra step to make this area a safer and more sustainable area of my life was absolutely off of the table. Man, I just keep cracking myself up. Once again, my foot found its way into my mouth again!
I recently read a Facebook post from a friend of mine who suffered from TSS (toxic shock syndrome) stemming from her use of tampons. While this disease is very rare, it’s also very real, and it caused some serious complications in her life that could have been fatal. Her sharing her story was enough for me to open my eyes to the potential dangers of using that product, and I immediately started seeking out other options. Because I already use cloth diapers on my children, I decided to take a peek at what sort of options were available for reusable feminine products.
Pink Lemonade Shop is an online retailer that specializes in all-things mama-cloth related! They offer a huge selection of fabrics, prints, shapes and accessories to help you get started making the switch from disposable to reusable cloth. They also offer laundry care advice and “starter stashes” to let you try out multiple different sizes to know what works best for you!
I had a few hesitations before diving into using reusable cloth. and there was a very small learning curve for me. As opposed to traditional disposable pads, cloth pads do not have a sticky back to stay put when attached to your undergarments. Cloth pads use a single snap to stay in place. I did feel that these pads moved around a tiny bit when wearing lose fitting pants, but when I wore jeans I had no issues with them moving around. They’re easy to adjust, and when it’s time to change, I simply rinse them out and place them discretely in a wet bag in my bathroom until it’s time to wash.
I was nervous that the cloth pads would stain horribly, but was very surprised to find that after the first wash, there was no staining at all! I think staying on top of rinsing them after each use was key to keeping them stain-free. I did find that cloth pads have to be changed out more frequently than disposable, which makes perfect sense to me. Overall, I found them much more comfortable that disposable, and I love that these do not have that horrible chemical-y smell that disposables do.
Pink Lemonade Shop also has an exclusive Facebook group where you can find other women who use cloth products. It’s an open place to ask questions about using cloth menstrual pads, menstrual cups, menstruation, breastfeeding and more!
Win It!
One VERY lucky Southern Made Simple reader will snag a $25 gift card to spend on whatever they want at Pink Lemonade Shop! Just enter using the giveaway form below. There is no purchase necessary to win. Giveaway is open to US residents and will end on 5/24/19. Good luck!
Even though I was initially very unsure about making the switch to mama cloth, I feel that I actually found love in an unexpected place! I’ve been very happy with the switch so far, and am eager to grow the amount of cloth products I have in my stash! I love that they offer so many different fabric options, and the prints are just the cutest! While I wouldn’t consider myself to be a “crunchy” person (or someone who chooses to primarily use natural products,) I am proud of the “semi-crunchy” tendencies I do have. I believe making the switch to more sustainable products such as mama cloth and cloth diapers can make a huge impact across the world, and I’m thrilled to be a part of that.
Are you curious about mama cloth? What would you love to know about making the switch? I’m an open book and am happy to answer your questions! Pink Lemonade Shop is a great place to start your cloth journey – and snagging that $25 gift card could help you pick up some really cool products!
I liked this one
Splash Minky Pads with Fleece backs in postpartum size
I would love to try the 9 Inch Teal Cotton Velour Day Pad with Fleece back!
I wold like to try the Vivid Sunrise Bamboo Jersey pads.
I would get the hello sunshine rollie
I would absolutely adore getting one of the pretty girly prints like the swan one in your picture or the Lavender unicorns. I would also prefer the 10″ size pad personally too
Hand Dyed Bamboo Jersey Pads with Fleece backs
I would like to try the 9 Inch Teal Cotton Velour Day Pad…..
I would love to try the Tropical Oasis Cotton Jersey Pads with Fleece backs in the overnight size.
I would like to try the 7.5 Inch Autumn Haze Poly Jersey Regular Liner.
Would love to try the postpartum pads!
I would like to try the Mushrooms Cotton Woven Pads with Fleece backs.
Hot Pink Minky. Love it. Thank you.