Oribel Portaplay Activity Center Review
Some serious baby fun is going on RIGHT NOW over on Stuff Parents Need!
It’s amazing how fast babies grow. People tried to warn me that it would happen in the blink of an eye, but you don’t really begin to believe them until it starts happening to you. I’ve ugly cried quite a few times already when putting up clothes and toys that my baby has already outgrown. She’s just 6 months old, y’all!
We’ve traded those tears for smiles, though! We had the chance to review an AWESOME baby activity center that grows with your child. I won’t be putting this table away for a few years, because she’ll still be using it up until age 5. Seriously! (I’ll still probably ugly cry when it’s time to put it away, but at least it will be a while!) 😉
 We’re guest posting about it over on Stuff Parents Need right now! You can see our full review and more pictures of our little love bug here. Head on over and take a look!
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