Wow, what a week! A lot of BIG changes have been happening behind the scenes here at Southern Made Simple, and things have finally slowed down just a tiny bit so I could update you all on what’s been going on!
On Thursday, July 26th we welcomed our second bundle of joy into the world. It’s my greatest pleasure to introduce you all to our sweet, sweet little one – Laken Averie Tucker!
We spent 3 days soaking up this sweet little one in the hospital while I had some much needed rest and recovery time from my second cesarean section. We are so happy to be home now and are continuing to rest and recover as much as our two little girls will allow!
While Laken favors her big sister so much as a newborn, she 100% favors her Daddy. Throughout my whole entire pregnancy I imagined she would come out with a head full of dark hair like mine. Much to my surprise, she has the prettiest strawberry blonde hair just like her Daddy! Kyle has been my rock during this whole pregnancy, and he was definitely my hero throughout her delivery.
It’s so emotionally and physically painful to be so limited in what you can do for your baby during the hospital stay after a c-section. Little things like picking her up and changing her diaper can feel like monumental feats when your abdomen has been cut open, but he was there every step of the way to see to it that both Laken and I were taken care of. What a Godsend my husband is!
Big sister is still adjusting to the huge change that has taken place in our family. She has been a little standoffish these past few days, and seems pretty unsure of and also uninterested in the baby all together. We’re being very mindful of her feelings and are slowly getting the two acquainted without it feeling overwhelming to her. We know it won’t be long before she really starts to warm up to her little sister and we can’t wait to see their sisterly bond begin to flourish!
We are so appreciative of all of the love and support our friends and family have shown us, and the outpouring love from all of our readers and followers on social media has been so encouraging and uplifting! We are looking forward to our new life as a family of 4 and learning how to navigate life with two beautiful little girls!
So proud. ❤️❤️❤️❤️Sweetness in Tuckerville