I received complimentary product in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are 100% my own. I only promote what I truly love!
We started our cloth diapering journey when my daughter was just 1 month old. She’s now quickly approaching 2 years old, and she’s still wearing the same sweet little diapers that she wore all those months ago! In fact, the very first diaper that ever graced her little behind was a Buttons brand diaper (the Sweet Pea cover to be exact.) Since that day, Buttons Diapers have climbed the ranks to be one of our very favorites in our stash.
We love them so much, that we’ve weeded out numerous other brands over time to make room for our growing stash of Buttons diapers! You’ve seen me share my love for them a few different times (linked at the very bottom of this post,) so it may come as no surprise to you that I’m here again to sing more praises for my beloved Buttons diaper covers!
Buttons has really upped the ante in the cloth diaper world with their latest announcement made just last week. Buttons recognized the need for larger covers to give bigger toddlers a better and more comfortable fit, so they created a brand new “Super” size! (They also launched a brand new newborn line to fit all the itty bitty brand new babies, too!)
Our fabulous friends over at Buttons sent us 2 new Super size diaper covers and the brand new microfiber daytime XL inserts to fit them. The XL inserts are a good bit bigger than the standard small and large sizes, measuring over 12 inches long as you can see below. More insert means more coverage for my busy bee toddler who is always on the move, and paired with the Super size cover, I’m not worried about any leaks happening at all!
A new change I noticed with the Super size diaper covers is the addition of PUL flaps on both ends of the diaper, as pictured below. This was a change that I was SO thrilled to see, because this addition helps prevent the XL insert from creeping outside the front or back of the diaper when my toddler is moving around or napping, and that means no leaks are going to happen from the front or back of the diaper. I very rarely ever had that problem before with Buttons diapers (WAY less frequently that with disposables,) but if a leak ever did occur, it typically came from the very front top of the diaper during nap time, so this was an excellent addition in my opinion!
The Super one-size diapers adjust to fit babies from 12 lbs all the way to 40 lbs. In addition to the larger size and the PUL flaps, you’ll also find a second row of waist snaps on the front to get a more secure fit, whereas normal Buttons diapers only have 1 row of waist snaps. LOVE this addition! They still have all of the other wonderful features of the traditional OS covers (two layers of PUL, double gussets, adjustable rise settings and a snap-in insert feature) AND this cover is compatible with all other sizes of inserts. Speaking of inserts, head on over and get your hands on a pack of the brand new bamboo inserts just released! I can’t wait to try them!
The Super OS cover is currently available in 5 colors/prints (and Sherwood is back in print! Hooray!) Buttons is always releasing a brand new print, and they’re often only available for a short period of time. You can keep up with all of the cuteness and new releases by following Buttons on Instagram!
We’ve been cooped up in the house with a double ear infection, and Mother Nature hasn’t been showing off her Springy side here lately, so we’ve been doing lots of indoor playing (and resting) in our pretty pastels. Taralynn is showing off the Coral Super Buttons Cover (with those fabulous aqua snaps!) and her “I don’t want my picture made, Mama” attitude. Bless her heart! Luckily for us, these brand new diapers in our stash have made our week SO much brighter!
Here’s my previous Buttons Diaper reviews, in case you wanted to take a peek at those! 😉
Buttons Diaper Review | 8 Things I Learned During My First Year of Cloth Diapering | Hemp vs. Microfiber Inserts
I had no idea that there was a way that I could possibly love Buttons Diapers any more. I did not know that they could get better…they were already the perfect cloth diaper in my mind! But the addition of PUL flaps, double waist snaps and an all around roomier fit that the Super size offers just really took them over the top for us. We can’t wait to see what Buttons comes up with next!
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